How to increase height

Increasing Height as an teenager is really important  if you are slightly on the shorter side. Basically, If you hunt and research regarding height on the internet you will find many peoples will give you the example of many successful people who are slightly on the shorter side like Actors, sportsman, politician etc, they will tell you that to become something in life you don't need to be that tall but at the end it's not the permanent solution for which you were looking for because they are already successful in life so height is not the factor which is really going to bother them much and neither their success is related to our height.

Increase height after 18

So, before trying any kind of  method or tips to increase height the most common question and doubt people have on their mind is that How to increase height after the age of 18 or Do we really grow taller after the age of 18?

So, the answer of that question is definitely Yes if you try hard for it and follow the tips what have been suggested below  then you can  easily increase height by 4-5 inches.

Remember Genes are not the end result of your height

We have seen for years most people use to say that our genes are the ultimate determinant of our physical appearance or heights but we have seen in many cases that some people remains so short even though their parents and grand parents were so tall and in the same way we have seen many cases as well where the person grow so taller instead of having short parents. So, in that sense we can tell that genes are not the only ultimate factor that's going to matter when it comes to height obviously your genes will play only 50% of role in your height and other 50% is still in your own hands it depends on your lifestyle as well because the way you live can create a huge impact into your life. So, try to live a healthy lifestyle. And we have seen among famous well known people who were usually from sports background and some of them still manage to grow so tall even though inspite of being having short parents and if you see the height comparison with their parents then you will find a huge difference. So, genes are not the ultimate factors. 

Let,s Dive into it,

Here are the 5 important scientific ways and advance techniques which i am going to share with you guys in order to help you increase height.


Exercise for height increase

So, its not the new thing which we were going to discuss about but i can't explain enough in words that how important exercise is in order to increase height. We have often seen that children who are engaged in any sort of sports or games from younger age usually they grow taller it's because they have been connected with regular exercise which helps their body to stay active which helps them to Grow taller. So it's very important when it comes to grow tall we must do exercise on regular basis. Here are the some specific stretching exercises which will definetly help to add some few inches into your height.

 4.Cobra Stretching.
 7.Toe Lifts.

So, here are the some effective exercises and stretching which you can do on regular basic in order to increase your height and if you can add some aerobic exercises into it then definetly there will be more chances for you to grow taller in least amount of time because regular exercise will help your pituitary gland to produce more Human Growth Hormone.


Sleeping is really an important factor when it comes to increasing height or for any kind of physical  development in our body because our body develops when we sleep so getting right amount of sleep is very necessary and if you are teenager then you must need to sleep for around 8-9 hours at any cost if you want to grow taller because no matter how much exercise you do if you will not give your body enough time to recover then those exercise are not going to do any wonders for you. So, make sure that with regular exercises you sleep enough and scientifically it's also proved that people who get enough amount of sleep are more healthy then people who don't get enough sleep and they grow more rapidly in terms of physical development than a average person.
It’s suggested that:
  • infants ages 4-11 months old get 12-15 hours
  • toddlers ages 1-2 years get 11-14 hours
  • young children ages 3-5 years old get 10-13 hours
  • children ages 6-13 get 9-11 hours
  • teenagers ages 14-17 get eight to 10 hours
  • young ages 18-25 get seven to nine hours
  • adults ages 26-64 ages get seven to eight hours

So, make sure you get that extra amount of sleep if it's possible because getting extra amount of sleep may even increase your HGH production more.

3.Balanced Diet

Diet for height increase

The next important thing which you need to keep in your mind in order to grow taller is to have a proper and healthy balanced diet and by healthy balanced diet i mean to say is that you need to give your body proper amount of nutrients which is required by your body. So, in order to have a balanced diet you make sure to add these important nutrients  in your diet.

    . Protein {sources: Eggs, Meat, Fish, Milk, Almonds, Chicken Breast, Soy Beans, Fresh Fruits}
     .  Calcium {sources: Dairy foods, Nuts, Soy Drinks, Nuts, Green vegetables}
     .  Minerals { sources: Meat, Cereal, Fish, Nuts, Milk and Dairy foods} 
     .  Vitamins { when we talk about vitamins the Vitamin D is the important vitamin which help us    in growing taller and the best and natural way through which we can have vitamin-D is sunlight}

Make sure you add these important nutrients into your daily diet as these will help to grow taller as protein is required by our body for further development and calcium is required by our bone plates and make sure you also go outside at least for 5-10 minutes in a day to exposed yourself under the sunlight in order to fulfil that minimum requirement of Vitamin D naturally by your body.
Things to avoid in your diet:  Excessive sugar, Junk foods, Coffee (because it can effect your sleep), Smoking & Alcohol.

4.Advance Meditation & Technique Guide

So, here's the main advance meditation and technique i am going to share with you guys by doing which you can gain your height by few inches even after the age of 18 and hence after doing lot of research i am sharing these with you guys. So let,s move into it:

Meditations for height increase

FIRSTLY, this meditation technique is going to be very useful for you inorder to increase height after the age of 18 and many peoples had successfully increased their height by using this method. So, basically what you need to do is take a white sheet of chart paper and remember  it should be neat and clean and now make a small black pea size dot on the white sheet and fixed  it on the wall and the dot which you had created on the paper should be straight to your forehead level because that's the place where our Pituitary gland is located in the brain between hypothalamus and Pineal gland and our pituitary gland is the main gland which produces Human Growth Hormone. Now after creating the dot on the chart paper and fixing it on the wall make sure you follow these meditation guide on regular basis for like 3 to 4 months then you will definetly see some results and after fixing it on the wall stand infront of the white chart paper where you have created that particular dot and make sure you focus on that black dot for like 5 minutes everyday atleast for  3-4  months and while doing this technique remember you should be calm and composed and your focus should be on that particular dot as it will help your pituitary gland to produce some extra Human Growth Hormones and while doing this meditation technique don't blink your eyes too frequently because it might disturb your concentration level and while doing it for the first time it might going to be tough for you and your eyes might become teary and u might feel kind of unconciousness and if you feel this things that means it's a good sign for you which is indicating that you can still grow taller as its helping your pituitary gland to produce HGH and i highly recommend you to follow these particular meditation technique for like 3-4 months because in the long term practise of this meditation technique can have some side effect because it's really an advance technique and within 3-4 months of these meditation technique i can ensure you that you will obviously gain your height by few inches even if you are above 18 years of age.

SECONDLY, Law of attraction we have seen many people had successfully change their physical appearance by using the law of attraction method and so there is a possible chances that we increase our height as well by using this technique but law of attraction technique is not a overnight process so to apply this technique and make full use of it you really need to work hard and you should have high level of patience as well and at the end if you follow this method then obviously you can increase your height at any age.

5. Home Remedies

Here are some proven home remedies by which you can increase height:


Ashwagandha for height increase

Many of us might be familiar with the name of  ashwagandha actually it's an evergreen shrub which is found mostly in the North Part of India and Africa and for many years we have seen that ashwagandha has been used  in many ayurvedha products especially  ashwagandha has been used as an height increasing products for many years and it's also known for improving bone width as well as density and ashwagandha for increasing height also been used for many years and it's available on any ayurvedic store in the form of powder. So what you need to do is:
  • Two tablespoons of Ashwagandha powder is best taken with warm cow milk sweetened with fresh jaggery or Gur at night for at least 45 days to observe the effect of this Ayurvedic medicine for increasing height.
  • Another popular Ayurvedic combination to consume Ashwagandha, to take it along with Khajoor/dates, Black sesame, and ghee made out of ‘Cow’s milk.



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