
Sunburn With Blisters : Treatment, Symptoms and Prevention

Things You Should know about Sunburn Blisters Picture   |   Symptoms   |   Duration   |    Treatment   |    Preventio n What are Sunburn Blisters? Sunburn Blisters are usually the small, white, fluid filled bumps which is caused on your skin  due to the over exposure of the sun's harmful UV Rays and blistering means you have a second degree of sunburn. Sunburn with blisters are uncomfortable and can be extremely painful and itchy and further if you don't take the preventive measures to control it then later it can increase the chances of causing skin cancer and various skin infections. Sunburn Blisters Picture How long does Sunburn Blisters last? Usually it takes less than 15 minutes to burn, and depending on the severity, more than those 15 minutes outside could result in sun poisoning. The short term negative effects of sun poisoning manifest themselves for the 4-7 days with more severe effect like sunburn blisters can have long term effects extending

How to increase height

Increasing Height as an teenager is really important  if you are slightly on the shorter side. Basically, If you hunt and research regarding height on the internet you will find many peoples will give you the example of many successful people who are slightly on the shorter side like Actors, sportsman, politician etc, they will tell you that to become something in life you don't need to be that tall but at the end it's not the permanent solution for which you were looking for because they are already successful in life so height is not the factor which is really going to bother them much and neither their success is related to our height. Increase height after 18 So, before trying any kind of  method or tips to increase height the most common question and doubt people have on their mind is that How to increase height after the age of 18 or Do we really grow taller after the age of 18? So, the answer of that question is definitely  Yes if you try hard for it and

5 ways to gain weight fast for skinny people

For skinny person gaining weight is not easy. It's actually very irritating and frustrating to eat a lot as a skinny person but not gaining weight and most of the people don't know that it's very hard for skinny person to gain weight because they have a faster metabolism.  About 2 billion of people in the world are either overweight or obese. However, there are also many people with the opposite problem of being too thin many health risks are associated with being underweight. Some of them are low immunity, trouble fighting illnesses or diseases, vitamin deficiencies, development issues mostly in children and teenagers and research also tells that there is an association between being underweight and depression and an increased risk of suicide this is a concern because being underweight can be just as bad for your health as being obese. A common mistake that people make in attempt to gain weight is that they eat a lot of foods that are high in calories

Top 10 Foods to boost immune system.

Immune System   Basically, Immune system is your body's number one defense system which helps you to protect yourself from various type of diseases,bacteria and other viruses causing pathogens.                        Generally, your immune system and health are directly related with each other.The stronger your immune system  the more protection you will have against cold, viruses and other kind of illness which may harm your body. On, the other hand  a weak immune system can make you more vulnerable to frequent cold, sinuses ,infection and slow bone healing. We have also seen that in the recent time immune system has also plays an vital role during the time of  Corona Virus(COVID-19)   outbreak and having weak immune system can also be the factor of being affected by the virus. So, it became very necessary to have strong immune system inorder to live a healthy lifestyle. The 10 Best Immune Boosting Foods! Some of the best foods which will help you to maintai

Law of Attraction & Health Affirmations.

What is Law of Attraction? Law of attraction is the process based on people's thoughts and beliefs which are made from "pure energy" through which we can achieve many things in our lives. The astonishing power of emotion. Law of attraction for physical health. The responsibility of maintaining a good physical health, all depends on our own hands. Normally, we are the reflection of our own thinking and beliefs of our inner thoughts.        One of the important thing that law of attraction teaches us is that our mind itself is a powerful weapon within ourself. So, we should be fully aware of the thing what we think and what impacts it's creating in our life. Implemention of law of attraction for physical health. Firstly, when you are applying Law of attraction for achieving good physical health one thing you must know is that it's not a overnight process to achieve something. If you're applying it for a


Physical characteristics often come with particular tags, which sometimes may not seem kind. For young people, monikers and unfortunate nicknames may be the order of the day based on stature and other physical characteristics. These tags underscore the impact that a height stature has on an individual’s standing in the society. Your genes are not the ultimate determinants of your height How much tall your parents are is not the only factor that determines your growth potential. Genes only impose themselves on your height by up to 70%. The rest is nutrition and physical activity. You should make sure you are taking a balanced diet to power your growth, and you are leading a healthy lifestyle. A balanced diet without physical activity can cause overweight and compression of the spine. What you can and can't control? 1. Eat a balanced diet During your growing years, it’s crucial that you get all of the nutrients your body needs. Your diet should include: fresh f